A Stitch in Time…….That Lingering Time!

March is that lingering month that slowly brings us out of extreme weather into raindrops and wind, teasing us that Spring will arrive at the end of the month, but in between you must be prepared for anything to confuse you as to what to wear, hat or no hat, gloves or no gloves? It’s a trickster month, but of course it would be cause the Leprechauns are getting ready for St. Patty’s Day. And then there is Mardi Gras for festival fun. So I guess there is so much to do that you are lingering longer.

.But the Real Lingering is for the Soul and this treasured time to see the buildup of Earth’s energy as slow, precise, beautiful changes begin to emerge. Change that brings the Soul to a gentle moveable awareness of time and its amazing ability to create new scenery before our eyes! And along with visual earth changes, we begin to feel ourselves shifting into a new phase of acceptance of our own growth. Marching to a new rhythm we see potential that had not previously existed or was not visible yet to our Intuitive Self. This time as the beginning of new insightual volumes unfolding in new works of Clarity’s work. Each day brings deeper insights of the volumes of Knowing that await discovery. In our home, our journey is to Know and Feel the more of what Source has to give and we to receive.

Our focus is to reach Zero Deficit, and that journey will be shared in the website! Stay in touch with situlaodex.com. Linger this month of March and receive as Spring works it’s way to us!

Sandra Stevens