SAMPLE Membership PAGE
By joining 'The Long Spoon' membership area for just $10 a month, you will gain access to a wealth of curated content designed to support and inspire your creative spirit.
Each month, you can expect a selection of imagery, thoughtful texts, engaging tabletop conversations, insightful book recommendations, and audio content, all tailored to foster your artistic journey. November offers an abundance of three to four times the content compared to October, ensuring a rich experience filled with diverse resources.
Take advantage of this opportunity for only $10 a month—equivalent to the cost of a drink and a sandwich. Explore what we have to offer and consider joining today. More content and features are on the way, enhancing your membership even further.
Welcome to our selected
Monthly Member’s Page.
Thank you for joining the Situla Codex Members Area. Your support and interest are greatly appreciated, and we look forward to sharing more in-depth information and an expanded exploration with you.
The Long Spoon for October
. How to start where you’ve been stopped over and over again
. We will state the abundance we can pull from
. A Squared Perspective Bringing all the corners of your life together
‘Rising of Sirius in Rockland’, Maine by Clarity
Rising of Sirius in Rockland, Maine
Tabletop Conversation about Situla
A video on Situla and what it’s about:
About the Calendar
We thought we’d insert the year’s calendar here, to give you a heads up of what to look forward to. As you will see, by scrolling down to October’s content, we will expand on each topic of insightual exploration.
Calendar for the Year Topics of Exploration:
. How to start where you’ve been stopped over and over again
. We will state the abundance we can pull from
. A Squared Perspective Bringing all the corners of your life together
. Digital Chaos Management
. How to sort, fold, bend, crease, and corrugate your wardrobe, so you can connect it to your new destination
. Digital Deepening Time Exploration
. How to Pack up your life and return it to sender
. Moving No into Yes
. A pocket full of question to meditate upon
. Digital Kit for Spiritual Awakening: Oracles
. Perseverance Centering and Holding Space
. How to create a lineage, as a female, that you can own
. Open Sesame, a support for Opening the Door
. Letting go of being wrong
. Digital Support System for Life Changes
. Quoting yourself more than others
. Digital Entering the Deep Mystery
. Creating a Cathedric Climb
. Traveling Underground
. Did your pocketed words get torn up in the wash
. How do you mix up your life into a collage that creates a conversation
. How many soul mates do you need to find before you find yourself
. Alchemy Made Easy
. Letting Go of the Small Idea to Sink into the Large
. Dreamtime Support from Gaia
. Sitting inside an idea that is bigger than you have
October’s TopicS of Exploration
1.) How to start where you’ve been stopped over and over again
Creative Life Series: “Breaking it Apart”
Omnidirectional Deck #6
Ganesh’s Fugue #9 & #10
2.) We will state the abundance we can pull from
Kuan Yin Oracle #13
3.) A Squared Perspective Bringing all the corners of your life together
Book: Origamic Presence (pg 12, 34, 46, 56, 62, 84)
Click link below to listen to the October Tabletop Conversation.
1.) How to start where you’ve been stopped over and over again
Such a familiar thing for so many of us, starting over can be bad enough, but to have to start over and over and over can be tiresome.
How does one get out of that kind of loop? You must first ask for a ‘Squared Perspective’ in order to stop the continuing loop. A Squared Perspective is a position of positive holding your own sovereign space. You notice in this the loop is being carried forward, not by intent, but by doubt slipping between the layers.
This is often not even conscious, and this is how you get caught. Once you become aware of a loop starting to happen, you stop and Ask for a Squared Perspective. There is power in this question, there is navigation, acceleration, and owning of true power.
Allowing all connections to connect and touch, so you can register what is made and what is not, then the picture will start moving and will move through many rotations until it stops and you have the answer with no confusion.
The following are ideas, stories, tools, patterns, and oracles that will facilitate the ease and insight needed.
The Creative Life Radio Shows. We did these to support the creative alchemical process for artists and writers in our community, a small community in Maine on the ocean. So you will hear nuances of the community in this radio show.
We found these shows incredible to do, and felt set inside the creative positions each week, as we produced 32 shows in one year. We find these shows are invaluable to us still, and we often listen to them, to support our creative life.
The show chosen for October is ‘Breaking It Open’. Click triangle below to listen.
Here we have, for October, selected from the Omnidirectional Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Patterns, Pattern #6.
Omnidirectional Mycelial Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern #6
Floral Infiltration, Through Cellular Molecular Structure, for Maximum Release of Life Experiencing
Vibration that allows penetration, of the flow of life’s emotional flow, to open and release, from cellular molecular stored memory misperceptions, that would limit and cause blockage of one’s movement physically and emotionally……How to receive support through flower recognition.
A selection of two, for October, from the Ganesh’s Fugue Oracle. Ganesh being the mover of obstacles through Play.
Ganesh’s Fugue #9
Ganesh’s Fugue #10
2.) We will state the abundance we can pull from.
Each day, all of us find ourselves in a field of energy, an atmosphere, and an environment. From this Gaia energy we draw our breath, our feelings and emotions, and this sustains us as we go about living our life.
As we are, by nature, curious and seeking beings, asking questions brings answers.
Kuan Yin’s Oracle #13 for October
From the Oya, Goddess of the Feminine Voice Oracle, selected for this month of October.
3.) A Squared Perspective Bringing all the corners of your life together.
To understand there are corners to our lives, is to understand the importance to Squaring Perspective. To know there is such a thing as “Squared Perspective’, is to be able to utilize the idea, and call forward a tool, to assist you when you feel the need for added insight.
This, for us, has been an invaluable tool as we travel.
The book, ‘Origamic Presence’, by Clarity
This book hold the consciousness of the “Squared Perspective’ and locates you inside the memory of the power of the Fold. These pages; [ pg.12, 34, 46,56, 62, & 84] ,would be most helpful for the month of October, but reading it’s entirety adds the depth needed for a full insight and saturation of dynamics of this month.
Origamic Presence
The Sacred Holding of a Life, as it bends into its own realizations is called a Fold, & this Fold is experienced as Consciousness. The Origamic Presence is what knows hold to fold, hold, & create new folds, that resonate from Light Imprintsial patterns that Intention the Divine Vision into a Will of Acceptance." from "Origamic Presence.
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