Recognitional Christ Light Healing

Light Imprintsial Patterns

Introducing Recognitional Christ Light: Unlock Your Hidden Depths, Embrace Your Brilliance!
Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey? Are you yearning to discover the true essence of who you are and unleash your inner brilliance? Look no further, for Recognitional Christ Light is here to guide you through this sacred union of self-discovery, time, and space!
In this fast-paced world, we often find ourselves caught up in the chaos of daily life, barely aware of the imprints and patterns that have shaped us. These imprints hold the key to understanding ourselves fully, yet they often remain unnoticed and unexamined. Recognitional Christ Light dives deep into these imprints, illuminating the hidden aspects of ourselves that have been concealed for far too long.
With a heightened sense of discernment, this profound healing energy brings your past experiences to light, allowing you to acknowledge and stand in the truth of all that you have hidden within. Gone are the days of letting shadows dim your brilliance! By embracing and loving the entirety of who you are, including your darkest fears and judgments, you can finally experience the freedom that comes from living authentically.
Our true colors deserve to radiate without any hindrance, and Recognitional Christ Light is the key to unlocking this power of transformation. By bringing your hidden depths to the surface, you invite the light of change to touch every aspect of your life, illuminating your path towards a deeper understanding of your divine essence.
Embracing all that we are and fully experiencing the present moment is where the essence of life lies. Recognitional Christ Light is a guiding force that helps you embark on this inner journey, leading you towards the profound recognition of your true self.
Imagine a world where you are no longer restrained by the weight of old beliefs and self-imposed limitations. Imagine a life where you are in harmony with your highest potential, shining brightly as you navigate the adventures that lie ahead. Recognitional Christ Light unlocks this limitless potential within you.
Don't miss this opportunity to embark on an incredible journey of self-discovery, transformation, and profound recognition. Embrace the brilliance of your true colors and allow Recognitional Christ Light to guide you towards a life filled with authenticity, love, and fulfillment.
Are you ready to step into your true essence? Contact us today and let Recognitional Christ Light illuminate the path towards your infinite potential!

Recognitional Christ Light Healing

Light Imprintsial Patterns

Recognitional Christ Light is a profound healing energy that works through the Imprintsial Patterns. These patterns serve as a recounting of our past experiences, but often go unnoticed and unexamined. Through a heightened sense of discernment, we can bring these hidden aspects of ourselves to light. By acknowledging and standing in the truth of all that we have concealed within, whether it be our darkest fears or judgments, we can truly understand and love ourselves. The brilliance of our true colors can shine without any shadows to dim our brilliance. The essence of life is found in embracing all that we are and fully experiencing the present moment. By bringing our hidden depths to the surface, we unlock the power of transformation and allow the light of change to illuminate our paths. This inner journey unfolds in the sacred union of time, space, and self-discovery, leading us towards a profound recognition of our divine essence.

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Recognitional 1

Love The Self

The Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Love the Self is an innate journey that begins within. It is an ongoing process of self-discovery, growth, and acceptance. To truly love oneself, one must start by recognizing the source of all existence. By acknowledging this divine source, we can tap into our own center, the part within us that transcends the external chaos and distractions. It is through this recognition that we can connect with a higher wisdom and invite guidance on our path back home. The Self is the nucleus that witnesses our experiences, emotions, and thoughts. It is the aspect within us that yearns for alignment and fulfillment. Through self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-love, we embark on a transformative journey that leads us closer to our authentic essence.

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Recognitional 2

Sound Beyond Sound From Center

In the realm of Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Sound Beyond Sound From Center, one transcends the limitations of ordinary perception. It is here that the true essence of existence is unveiled, a truth that resonates beyond the superficial layers of sound. Within this extraordinary realm, the vibrational frequencies extend far into the depths of consciousness, reaching the very core of one's being. Here, one can hear the whispers of universal wisdom, untainted by the distortions of external influences. It is within the clarity of center that the recognition of truth becomes evident, inviting one to embrace the transformative power that lies within.

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Recognitional 3

Oneness Of Centers Centered In Center

The Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Oneness Of Centers Centered In Center unveils a profound understanding of interconnectedness. As we delve into the depths of our being, we discover a boundless clarity that emanates from our center. In this state of awareness, we realize that all centers, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, are interconnected and unified within the vast expanse of the singular clarity. It is through this recognition that we come to understand the beauty and harmony of existence, where every being and element is an integral part of the greater whole. By tapping into this center, we can unlock the wisdom and unity that resides within us and embrace the oneness that transcends boundaries.

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Recognitional 4

One Clarity Many Centers Of Self

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern One Clarity Many Centers Of Self entails the profound understanding of the multiplicity of our individual centers, all united within the singular clarity of our being. It is the acknowledgement that each center holds its unique essence, contributing to the symphony of our existence. Through this recognition, we transcend the illusory misperceptions that hinder our true experience and navigate beyond the chaos of the downward spiraling vortex. This pattern invites us to embrace the unity of our diverse selves, unveiling the limitless potential and interconnectedness within.

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Recognitional 5

Above And Below

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Above And Below is a philosophy that emphasizes the importance of aligning one's words and actions to achieve clarity and self-awareness. It implies that true understanding and growth can only be attained when there is a harmony between what is said and what is done. By acknowledging the significance of this pattern, individuals can strive to bridge the gap between intentions and actions, thereby cultivating integrity and authenticity. It highlights the need for consistency and accountability in both personal and professional realms, fostering a deeper sense of self-recognition and understanding from within. This philosophy encourages individuals to live with intention, speak their truth, and follow through on their commitments, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful existence.

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Recognitional 6

The Knowing Is The Grace Of Self

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern, is a profound concept that emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding. It highlights that the essence of our being, our true Self, is brought to light through the power of knowing. This knowing is not confined to intellectual knowledge, but rather emerges from deep within, carried by the currents of emotion and intuition. As we tap into this wellspring of inner wisdom, we become aware of our unique qualities and strengths. This self-recognition fuels our creative expression, allowing us to manifest our true essence in the external world. Thus, Recognition Imprintsial Pattern reminds us that the path to self-discovery and fulfillment lies in recognizing, embracing, and expressing the grace of our authentic Self.

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Recognitional 7

The Seed Essence From Beyond

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern is a concept that delves into the profound understanding of the seed essence from beyond—a truth that transcends mere perception. This essence holds within it the wisdom of dreams, acting as a conduit, guiding us towards clarity and unveiling the veils of misperception. It highlights the underlying patterns of separation that have shaped our existence, allowing us to recognize the interconnectedness that lies at the core of all creation. Through the exploration of this pattern, we are beckoned to awaken to a deeper reality, one that invites us to embrace unity and embrace the inherent oneness of all that is.

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Recognitional 8

Harmonial Balanced Center

The Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Harmonical Balanced Center is a transformative concept that emphasizes the importance of finding inner clarity and balance. When one is in tune with their own center, their thoughts, actions, and emotions align harmoniously, creating a state of tranquility and peace throughout their day. In this state, doubt, fear, and judgment dissipate, allowing space for genuine understanding and connection with oneself and others. This recognition of the interplay between the mind, body, and spirit paves the way for personal growth and fulfillment. It is through attaining this balanced center that one can truly experience the profound beauty of harmony in their life.

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Recognitional 9

Movement Is Still

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Movement Is Still, also known as RIPMS, is a concept rooted in the idea that when one achieves perfect synchrony between movement and their center, a state of remarkable harmony is attained. This state is characterized by the remarkable smoothness and swiftness of movement, which appears to be completely still to an external observer. RIPMS emphasizes the importance of clarity as the foundation of movement; a clear and focused mind serves as the driving force behind effortless and lightning-fast actions. In this state, the individual becomes one with their surroundings, seamlessly flowing through space and time with an unparalleled grace that leaves onlookers awestruck.

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Recognitional 10

Joy Within The Penetration

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Joy Within The Penetration is an elusive state that transcends the confines of ordinary perception. It is a profound and transformative experience that allows us to rise above the limitations of pain and suffering. In this realm, joy becomes an expansive force, capable of penetrating the barriers of misperception and contraction. It is through this penetration that we discover a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. This recognition imprints upon our consciousness, leaving a lasting mark that brings forth a profound sense of joy and inner fulfillment. It is a reminder that true joy is not bound by external circumstances but is found within, waiting to be discovered through the journey of exploration and expansion.

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Recognitional 11

Ask And Know Trust

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Ask And Know Trust is a deeply profound concept that encompasses the essence of human connection and understanding. It emphasizes the power of asking, which serves as a gateway to knowledge and enlightenment. By actively seeking answers and engaging in meaningful conversations, we expand our understanding of the world and the people around us. Trust, on the other hand, holds immense significance as the foundation of any authentic relationship. It requires vulnerability, belief, and reliance on others, fostering a sense of security and mutual respect. Through recognition, we acknowledge the inherent value and uniqueness of each individual, bridging gaps and promoting empathy. Thus, this pattern encourages us to embrace the grace of curiosity, the joy of discovery, and the comfort of finding our true home within the realm of shared experiences.

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Recognitional 12

Joy Is Yours

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Joy Is Yours invites us to embrace the inherent joy that resides within each of us. It reminds us that joy is not an external pursuit but rather an internal state of being. It is a precious gift that we carry within, waiting to be discovered and nurtured. Joy is not contingent upon external circumstances; it is our innate truth, always accessible and available to us. When we align with joy, we connect with our highest potential and experience a profound sense of fulfillment. This pattern encourages us to cultivate joy in our lives and recognize that it is our birthright, ours to claim and embrace with open hearts.

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Recognitional 13

Judge Not

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Judge Not is a powerful principle that urges us to exercise restraint in passing judgment. It reminds us that we should not hastily judge anything that we do not fully understand, recognize, know, or feel. By recognizing these limitations, we are encouraged to approach situations with an open mind and withhold judgment until we have gathered enough information or gained a deeper understanding. This principle emphasizes the importance of empathy and encourages us to seek understanding rather than making snap judgments based on superficial knowledge. Ultimately, by adhering to this principle, we can foster greater understanding, compassion, and harmony in our interactions with others.

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Recognitional 14

Recognize The Effort Spent

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Recognize The Effort Spent emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the tremendous effort exerted in our journey towards self-discovery and self-realization. It urges us to recognize the deeper meaning behind every movement of our center, as we strive to connect with our true Self. By paying attention to the messages conveyed through the sounds we hear, the colors we see, and the words we speak, we become more attuned to our inner voice and the wisdom of our surroundings. This profound recognition grants us the precious opportunity to truly Be, finding solace and fulfillment as we journey back to our spiritual home. It is a call to honor the effort we have put into our personal growth and the richness it brings to our lives.

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Recognitional 15

Imprinted Within

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Imprinted Within is a concept that delves deep into the essence of one's being. It embodies the notion that our true destination is imprinted within us, waiting to be recognized and acknowledged by our inner self. It is an innate longing to find our way back home, not in a physical sense, but rather in a spiritual and emotional sense. This recognition propels us forward, pushing us to explore and grow, but it is often accompanied by a lingering feeling of incompleteness. We search for that final key, that missing piece, not in the external world, but within the realm of our feelings. It is in understanding and embracing these emotions that we can unlock the true path that leads us to our ultimate fulfillment.

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Recognitional 16

Fly Forward Toward The Light

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Fly Forward Toward The Light embraces the notion of trusting in the natural rhythm of life. Similar to birds, who find their way by instinct and are guided by the light, we should seek direction in our daily lives. By acknowledging that we can learn from these feathered creatures, we realize the importance of asking for guidance in our actions, words, creations, and even our meals. Just as birds assimilate life through eating, we too can imbibe the experiences of life through our nourishment. This concept encourages us to embrace the beauty of simplicity and allow ourselves to be led towards the light of wisdom and enlightenment.

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Recognitional 17

Allow The Trust

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern is a transformative concept that encourages us to embrace trust and all that it encompasses. By allowing the trust to permeate our lives, we grant ourselves permission to be vulnerable and open to its power. The trust becomes a nurturing force that feeds our spirits, clothes us with unwavering confidence, and heals the wounds that hinder our growth. As we surrender to the trust, it guides us on a journey towards our true home, our authentic selves. In this surrender, we come to realize that it is through allowing that all transformative changes occur.

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Recognitional 18

Darkness Is Only Perceived

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Darkness Is Only Perceived reveals the profound interplay between light and darkness, perception and recognition. Darkness, when devoid of light, becomes a realm of perception, a space where the absence of illumination generates uncertainty and unknown. Conversely, light itself can be perceived in the absence of darkness, leading to an altered state of consciousness where clarity and visibility reside. However, true knowledge lies beyond the confines of darkness, as it requires transcending the limitations imposed by perception and delving into the depths of understanding. In this journey, feeling acts as a catalyst, bringing forth the hidden aspects of darkness, urging recognition to unfold. As we move towards recognition, we embark on a path illuminated by the light, where understanding becomes the culmination of all that is unveiled. This comprehension is not clouded by judgment or bias, for discernment thrives solely in the radiance of pure illumination.

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Recognitional 19

All That Is Seen

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern All That Is Seen, often abbreviated as RIPATS, is a fascinating concept that delves into the realm of perception and awareness. It suggests that everything we observe and experience leaves an indelible mark on our consciousness. According to RIPATS, what is seen becomes known, and what is heard is deeply felt. However, the theory proposes that true bliss lies in our ability to transcend the boundaries of the visible and the audible and tap into the vastness of the unseen and the unheard. It beckons us to embrace a heightened level of awareness, allowing us to not only perceive the tangible but also to unravel the mysteries that lie beyond our immediate senses. In this pursuit, we open ourselves up to a world of profound interconnectedness and immeasurable depth, igniting a sense of bliss that resonates within our very being.

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Recognitional 20

Speak From The Center

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Speak From The Center is a profound approach to communication that encourages individuals to speak solely from their inner core. It advocates for expressing oneself with a deep understanding of one's own truth, detached from external influences. By embracing this practice, individuals can transcend the constant swirl of misperceptions that often cloud our perception of reality. This approach invites individuals to tap into a profound sense of clarity, allowing the truth to flow effortlessly in their words. Speaking from the center ensures that every message carries authenticity and resonance, making the insights shared deeply impactful.

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Recognitional 21

Walk Up To The Light

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Walk Up To The Light is a transformative experience that challenges our preconceived notions about light. It defies the common belief that light can blind us or expose our ignorance. Instead, this pattern encourages us to embrace the light without fear. It promises to elevate us, enabling us to navigate the turbulent waters of our emotions with grace and clarity. In this recognition, we are reminded that the light holds no burdens to burdens us but rather illuminates our path, empowering us to grow and to move forward in life.

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Recognitional 22

Love Creates Harmony Without

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Love is a powerful force that has the ability to create harmony without boundaries. When love emanates from one's center, it is no longer confined to mere proximity or personal connections. Instead, it becomes an all-encompassing, omnidirectional force that surrounds and influences everything it encounters. This kind of love, when expressed genuinely and selflessly, generates a profound sense of support and encouragement. It fuels the courage to venture out and give, knowing that the love received will always be reciprocated, creating a harmonious cycle of interconnectedness and balance. Genuine love, rooted in recognition and imprinting its essence upon the hearts of others, becomes the very fabric that weaves together the disparate threads of humanity, fostering unity and collective well-being.

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Recognitional 23


Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Limitlessness is a concept that challenges the notion of limitations imposed on individuals by society and the self. It asserts that our perceived limitations are merely illusions, as we possess an inherent sense of boundlessness that extends beyond our origins. The true boundaries we encounter are a product of our inability to question and trust ourselves fully. Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Limitlessness encourages individuals to break free from these self-imposed limits and embrace the vast potential that lies within. It empowers us to redefine our limitations and embrace a life without boundaries.

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Recognitional 24

Omnidirectional Love Is Yours

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Omnidirectional Love Is Yours is a powerful concept that encompasses the profound nature of love and recognition. It highlights the all-encompassing nature of love, which extends beyond the physical realm and transcends boundaries. This love serves as a guiding force from beyond, offering support and uplifting all aspects of oneself. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing and acknowledging every part of our being, whether projected or not, in order to find our way back to the center of our true essence. This recognition allows us to reconnect with the deep love that resides within us and embrace the wholeness of our being.

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Recognitional 25

Happiness Is Joy Recognized

When happiness is experienced, it goes beyond mere temporary joy. Recognizing and acknowledging this joy allows us to tap into a deeper well of happiness, creating a cycle of positivity. This recognition enables us to cultivate and manifest more joy, enhancing our overall sense of happiness. As we express and share this happiness with others, it not only brings us peace but also enriches the lives of those around us. Ultimately, recognizing and embracing the imprint of joy is the key to unlocking lasting happiness in our lives.

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Recognitional 26

Respect Is Recognition Not Fear

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Respect Is Recognition Not Fear. These words encapsulate the essence of true respect - a profound understanding that goes beyond surface-level interactions. To be centered is to find harmony within oneself, to be aware of our strengths and vulnerabilities. It is from this place of self-awareness that we can extend recognition to others. Guided by empathy and compassion, we see beyond the externals and acknowledge the unique experiences and perspectives that shape each individual. True respect is not rooted in fear or intimidation, but rather in the genuine recognition of the inherent worth and value every person possesses. It is in striving for this level of understanding and connection that we truly honor and respect one another.

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Recognitional 27

Join Into Recognition

Recognizational Imprintial Pattern Join Into Recognition is a profound concept that speaks to the power of acknowledging and honoring both our knowledge and our intuition. In our rapidly changing world, it is crucial to respect and appreciate the wisdom we have gained through our experiences and the information we have acquired. At the same time, we must also recognize the significance of our emotions and gut instincts, for they often hold valuable insights and truths that logic alone cannot grasp. By allowing these two aspects to merge harmoniously, we can unlock a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. Rather than keeping them separate, Recognizational Imprintial Pattern Join Into Recognition encourages us to embrace the totality of our being, creating a sense of unity and wholeness that transcends fear and loss.

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Recognitional 28

Support The Love Of Center

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Support The Love Of Center invites us to seek solace and strength in uplifting those around us. By offering support, we not only help others find their center but also discover our own. This journey begins with recognizing the value of each individual's moment of stillness, honoring their need for self-reflection and inner peace. Through the wisdom gained from our own moments of stillness, we cultivate patience and understanding, nurturing a deeper connection with others. As we embrace this interconnectedness, we are enveloped by the all-encompassing love of the universe, serving as a guiding force in our own moments of stillness. The mutual support and unity fostered in these pivotal moments allow us to flourish, finding our true purpose and embracing the profound power of love.

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Recognitional 29

Actions Of Center

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Actions of Center refer to the transformative moments of stillness where individuals tap into their highest potentiality of movement, originating from within themselves rather than relying on external influences. These actions serve as catalysts for genuine personal growth and enable individuals to effect meaningful change in their lives. By consciously engaging in these moments of recognition, individuals gain insight, clarity, and the ability to align their actions with their authentic selves. It is through these actions of center that true success and fulfillment are achieved, as they empower individuals to take intentional steps towards their desired transformations.

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Recognitional 30

Obstacles To Center

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern obstacles to center stem from a variety of misperceptions. The first obstacle lies in the belief that one should allow others to dictate the path of their life, rather than finding their own center. Another obstacle is the misconception that truth cannot be found within oneself, leading to a constant search for external validation. Additionally, judgment becomes an obstacle to center when love is seen as something to be criticized and evaluated instead of freely given. Furthermore, the misconception that life lacks a heavenly aspect and is solely plagued by hellish encounters hinders individuals from finding their true center. However, the truth is that Earth is the center of heaven, and hell is merely a misperception resulting from the fall from this center. The final obstacle lies in the perception of duality, where everything is seen as separate entities rather than interconnected aspects of a whole. True clarity can only be attained when one recognizes the completeness and unity that exists within themselves as an individual.

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Recognitional 31

Everlasting Is Infinity Realized

It is a state of existence marked by a recognitional imprintsial pattern where the boundless potential of infinity is fully realized. In this realm, time ceases to have meaning, as moments flow effortlessly and seamlessly. The essence of everlasting life lies in embracing the eternal present, free from the constraints of past regrets or future anxieties. It is a profound understanding that every experience, joyful or challenging, is an opportunity for growth and transformation. This recognition allows one to cherish the beauty of life's blessings without the need for quantification or comparison. In the realm of everlasting life, the healing power of unconditional love and acceptance imbues every interaction, transcending judgment and division. It is a state where the illusory distinctions of separation fade away, and the unity of all beings is realized.

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Recognitional 32

Love Beyond

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern Love Beyond goes beyond the conventional limitations that society places on love. It transcends the need for external validation and support, finding its strength and fulfillment from within. It surpasses the feelings of loss and separation that often hinder deep connections. This love existed even before the judgments of others categorized it as insufficient, and before the constructs of time and space distorted its true essence. This love liberates and empowers the Self, enabling it to soar to incredible heights where it can be truly free. It is a love that knows no boundaries and propels us towards profound self-discovery and growth.

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Recognitional 33

Be And Achieve

In recognizing the power of the Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern, one unlocks the key to being and achieving. It is through this pattern that individuals can tap into their true potential and embody their aspirations. By understanding and embracing this pattern, one can align themselves with their purpose and take meaningful steps towards their goals. The Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern encourages individuals to be fully present, embracing their innate abilities and strengths. It is through this state of being that true achievement is possible, as one harnesses their inner resources and channels them towards success. Through the clarity of center, one can harmoniously blend their thoughts, actions, and intentions, allowing for the complete expression of their being. In doing so, one not only achieves greatness but also becomes a beacon of inspiration for others.

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Recognitional 34

To Receive

Recognitional Imprintsial Pattern To Receive is a profound concept that highlights the essence of those who are open to receiving truths and insights without prejudice or preconceived notions. The Receivers, as they are called, have a remarkable ability to embrace truth at its core, unencumbered by societal judgments or personal biases. Their receptiveness is not determined by how the truth is perceived by others, but rather by the strength of their own insight. The force with which the truth penetrates their consciousness is directly proportional to the transformative power it holds for the highest potential of the Receiver. In this state of recognition, the Receivers become catalysts for change, creating a ripple effect that not only transforms their own lives but also influences others around them.

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Recognitional 35

Question Not

Don’t question what you do, but that which you judge. What you judge keeps you in the state of nondiscernment, because that is what you do not understand.

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Recognitional 36


Being is beyond belief, and it can stand before all.

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Recognitional 37

Be Centered

Be centered, or you will support misperceptions that keep you from inspiration and forward movement, toward home.

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Recognitional 38


Trust your inner sound of inspiration, let it guide you throughout the day. You have no need to spin and toil, and worry because you are given to.

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Recognitional 39

Be Well And Unlimited

Be well and unlimited in your movement, by giving beyond fear of not knowing, and not feeling what is. Instead of limiting yourself, through not recognizing that the way home is a road of flowers.

Stop, pick, smell, and go within for they contain the keys to unlock your emotions and set you free to flight.

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Recognitional 40

Move From Clarity

Move from the clarity of your center, and your deeds will be discerned not judged.

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Recognitional 41

Truth Of Perception

You are given the center, the truth of perception without judgement, and light for all to see. Through knowing, feeling, recognizing, understanding, and discernment of all, through all the spectrum of colors — in all their totality, forwarding into the center of who they are.

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Recognitional 42

Within Your Core

Deep deep deep within your core, is all you are, and that all is of perfection without polarity. Your source dwells there always for you to ask and see, waiting for when you can trust enough to ask, and see the way home.

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Recognitional 43

Speak Forward The Truth

Speak forward the truth within. Speak forward from your Heart of Gold. Speak forward without limitation of sound. Speak forward the sounds of the golden dream, without judgement of Self.

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Recognitional 44

Move Forward Into Flight

Move forward with flowers of support. Move forward with time given. Move forward with space received. Mover forward with transcendent love. Know that the support needed Is.

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Recognitional 45

Sign Of What Is Not

The signs are present before you. The signs are present within you. The signs are moving with you. Look to the signs, and you will miss your dream, because signs are for the ones who do not know what Is, in the now of evolving potential.

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Recognitional 46


One is Self. One is complete. One is always in harmony. One is the essence of your source. Your source is one, so too, are you.

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Recognitional 47


To know, to feel, to recognize, is creation. To give, to receive, to recognize, is creation. To know time, to feel space, to recognize fullness of expression, is creation. To be filled with creativity is to be in harmony with life.

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Recognitional 48

Time And Space Are Part Of The Whole

Time and space are not separate as seen. Time and space are not unequal as thought. Time and space are not at odds as felt.

Time and space are not opposites as said. Time and space are part of the whole of Self, and are always moving toward home together.

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Recognitional 49

The Echo

Movement of sound is formed thought. Do not look for the sounds of the echo of what was. Do not look for the thought of sounds unequal in momentum. Do not look for the responses to sound not clear.

Do not look for the recall of thoughts, that move from the was of not being. Look to the clarity of sound, from the center of sound of the dream, in the today of now.

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Recognitional 50


Respond to the sound of your guidance, and feel its support.

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Recognitional 51

Perceive What Is

Perceive what is from your moment of known. Perceive the truth from the light of your found time. Perceive your life from the sound of your space in receivement. Perceive all that is the fullness of your expression, into the unlimitedness of your beginnings.

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Recognitional 52

Pour Forward

Pour forward your knowing into your feeling. Pour forward you love into your beingness. Pour forward your commitment into your Self, and find the fullness of your expression, one with the feeling of bliss.

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Recognitional 53

Send Forward

Send forward your call to your Self. Send forward your call to your Heart of Gold. Send forward your call to your center of beingness and hear the sound individualized.

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Recognitional 54

Moment Of Seen

Moment of recognition, is upon you. Moment of dream felt, is above you. Moment of bliss known, is below you. Moment of flight seen, is beside you. So look out and see the dream.

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Recognitional 55

Do Not Separate

Do not separate the know of felt. Do not separate the felt of know. Do not separate the recognition of all. Do not separate the understood of recognized — discern the new day into being.

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Recognitional 56

Conclude Only What Is

Conclude what is part of you, not what is not. Conclude what comes from your center, not what is not.

Conclude what you see as beautiful and full, not what is not. Conclude only what is of gold for your life, and leave silver to what is not.

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Recognitional 57

Respond Full

Respond full of expression. Respond full of Sound. Respond full of power. Respond full of life, that flows from your source center, the unlimited well of life enfolding.

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Recognitional 58

Recognition Of Time

Recession is not in the moment. Recession is not in the hesitation. Recession is in the vacuum, between the moment and the hesitation from the unknown movement felt into failing to recognize time and space given.

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Recognitional 59

Aware Of Your Source

From what are you becoming? From what are you being? From what are you moving? From what are you deciding? If you know not certain, then ask, and become aware of the source of your life.

If this source is not the Self, then you have moved from what is unknown to Self, and separation will be felt. Become aware and center in Self, so that wholeness is what you feel into being.

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Recognitional 60

To Be Heard

Before and after are the times judged as more or less. More or less is the space that is felt as without. Without is the sound of need not to be heard. Not to be heard is the state of nothing.

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Recognitional 61

Move Your Momentum

Move the momentum of your life. Move the mountains with your momentum. Allow your movement to be momentous.

Allow your momentousness to be immense. In this immensity your imagination will be born into the impossibilities of your life.

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Recognitional 62

Bring Into The Center

Bring in to the center of your feeling, that which is brought to you through the Heart of Gold. Move the knowing into expression felt and feel the realness of the dream.

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Recognitional 63

Call Into The Center

Call into the center of your known feeling, that which is unknown, yet known beyond your Self.

Call for the sound known beyond time and space, and breathe the sound of the dream.

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Recognitional 64

Recall Into The Center

Recall into the center of your moments in time, the space made for your by the Heart of Gold.

Recall the love time created and the space created by the time of the love of the dream.

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Recognitional 65

Reach Into The Center

Reach into the center of your beingness, reach into your center Heart of Gold, reach into the depth of your Self and find there the dream you’ve always known was possible.

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Recognitional 66

Create The Essence

Create the essence of your day through the clarity of your word, create the essence of your moments through the clarity of your thought, create the essence of your beingness through the clarity of the dream.

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Recognitional 67

Be Lifted

Be lifted into the spirit of your dream by the spirit of the golden dream. Be lifted into the word of your dream by the word of the golden dream.

Be lifted into the will of your dream by the will of the word of the spirit of the golden dream in the center Heart of Gold.

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Recognitional 68

Remove The Obstacles

Remove the obstacles in your path. Remove the obstacles before your eyes, remove the obstacles in your life, that would block you into no dream and create nothing.

Remove the obstacles and Be again.

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Recognitional 69

Color Your Tone

Color your tone with the sound of exact. Tone your sound with the exactness of color.

Sound your power into being full, and know the joy of bliss felt into transcendence.

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Recognitional 70

Sounds Of Exact

Sounds of exact are clear in intent. Sounds of exact are owned by true source. Sounds of exact are supportive in tone.

Sounds of exact are powerful in beingness. Sounds of exact are recognized as words of wisdom.

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Recognitional 71

State Of Powerful

Powerful is the state of being centered. Powerful is the stage of being in concordance with clarity.

Powerful is the state of being centered in Self. Powerful is the state that all seek but few own.

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Recognitional 72

See Beyond

Turn once, to see beyond. Turn twice, to feel before. Turn thrice, to know inside.

Look up, to be present. Look down, to hear past. Look forward, to understand the Now.