Imprintsial Patterns are supportive in finding your Position and Place within the Alchemical Field of Energy that we all live within.
Healing Imprintsial Patterns
Healing Imprintsial Patterns are a profound and transformative approach to healing that taps into the inherent wisdom of our bodies and minds. These patterns acknowledge that our physical and emotional imprints play a crucial role in our overall well-being. By working with these imprints, we can uncover and release deep-seated traumas, beliefs, and unprocessed emotions that have been stored within us. Imprintsial Healing Patterns offer a holistic perspective, recognizing that our bodies are not separate from our minds or spirits. Through various modalities such as energy work, somatic practices, and mindfulness techniques, these patterns enable us to gently and compassionately navigate the layers of our being, promoting profound healing, integration, and self-discovery. Imprintsial Healing Patterns invite us to embrace our full selves, honoring the interconnectedness of our physical, emotional, and energetic imprints, and empowering us to embark on a journey of self-healing and transformation.
Vibrational Patterning is the harmonics of creating designs that radiate the feeling and emotions of an experiential processing. This patterning will, and can be used, to actually heal and release the feelings and emotions experienced throughout life, that are in need of further processing and assimilation.
This processing and assimilation is done through the blending of color harmonics, linear design, flower essence representation, and fragrance brought forth in fairy tales and designing patterns.
The substance of significance, portrayed in form projection, in each Imprintsial Pattern Matrix Simulator, is a formulator response, from the nodal concordance of weight register. This is what creates the dimension of gravity that holds substance form ideas into pattern.
This constitutes the classification of momentum requirement for rate speed and consequence. When the rate speed is classified as registered, the consequential rotation of the pattern begins to evolve into form found and set into resonance.
The resonance is the vibrational concordance of total register. This vibrational concordance can be sight seen as color. Each color is resonated as a registered form set and the projection is defined, according to its rate speed.
Processional color is described as hue, and formulation color is defined as tone. The requirement for individual register of color is what creates momentum. This requirement is the most perceptional volume that is perceived as Need, and the Desire of individual register creates the rate speed.
The rate speed is the momentum of its projection and the depth of its penetration. The graduated differences are the measured deficit between register and actual rate speed. In Imprintsial Patterning the visual requirement is set and the momentum is registered at the rate speed of penetration allowed.
Once the Imprintsial Pattern moves the formulation quality of its projection into place and position the deficit registers are measured, and the requirement recognition momentualizes its volume, and the deficit is required to drop its projectional volume set.
This concept is formulated from the recognition that all thought form is projectionalized in dimesnionary awareness, and the rate speed of its volume set is the momentum of its dimensionary register. In dimensionary register is the recognition of real as regulatorial.
Consequential process of Concordial alliance is the creation response to color form register as sight seen. The volume of dimensionary sight seen is the requirement rate speed for penetrational register form set.
In dimensionary alliances the movement is harmonical and the concordial flow is momentualized, from its exactness of position and place. Resonational rate speed is the consequential rotation of color difference. Once this harmonical flow is momentualized into quantralized volume set, the formulatorial radiance is sight seen as Light.
Light can only be registered in radiance through this harmonical momentum. Light is what creates the individual register of perception of self expressed. Light is required for self expressionary mode transfer from dimensionary register.
Light has no need for opposite polar color register, because of its harmonical momentum of unlimited projectionary radiance. The fluidity of Light and the Gold of its perceptional radiance is penetrational in its register. Penetrational register is the rate speed of its radiance.
Color quality is the dimensionary projection of the totality of Ten, and Ten is the ability of its repetition, and its repetition is the measure of its Unlimitedness. The Was of color quality is the processional non-register of its difference. The Is of color quality is the momentualized totality of its clarity.
Perceptional judgment loss of color vibrancy is only found when the color quality is not totalized from the now into the Is. True vibrancy is registered in total dimensionary volume without the judgment loss of dimensionary separation.
Dimensionary separation is what causes deficit register sets. Combinational dimensionary awareness is limited. Total dimensioanry awareness is unlimited. Dimensionary focus in totality awareness is the exactness of penetrational angle.
Penetrational angle exactness is what is required to eliminate Forceptual, Forceptual is what occurs when penetrational angle is not exact in its register. This is what occurs in limited momentum. Volume sets are the base formulations for what is required for what is real. Real is the dimensionary impact volume of volume sets.
Once real is recognized into a momentum of change the projectional conceptional formalization is brought into awareness, and the conscious momentum of difference is balanced into harmonical movement of change. (c) 1991 Clarity
The process of change has always been a process of recall and recount of the much of most that has been missed, and the return to what should have been done.
It is now time for this process also to change, and the change is found in the following artwork, which we call Imprintsial Patterns. Imprintsial Patterns are linear designs that move in a harmonical overlay of each dimension of Self.
The Patterns interloop and remove the process of need of recount, and resonate with the ease of change and the freedom of Unlimited Momentum.
As you allow your Intuitive to move through these Patterns you will find the exact order wished for, Allow the Patterns to move and Imprint through all the layering of Self, in order to move resistances of misperception of Now Recognized Perfection. These Patterns move through your Knowing through reading their Words, Feeling through Feeling their Pattern, Recognition through Seeing their Color. This process is called Trinary and allows the Body to move out of Binary, which works with duality, which is Knowing Feeling deficit without Recognition.
Much will change for you as you move these Patterns deeper and deeper into the sequential layering of your Etherial Fluidic dimension of Self. You will find the changes fun and supportive of your exact position and place in each moment in Time.
The downward spiral of Binary will become less and less consequential in your day, and the Feeling of Bliss will move more and more into your Recognition.
Move as you Feel and Know your movement to be exact, then allow yourself to reach the recognition momentum wished for. Use these Patterns as often as Felt desired and more Known is wanted.
These Imprintsial Patterns are a transcendent form of expression, surpassing even the ancient hieroglyphics and the intricate writings of Sanskrit. Within their intricate designs lies the essence of harmonics – blending the colors, sounds, shapes, and the very fabric of time itself. No other patterns possess the profound potency contained within them, encapsulating the entirety of the omnidirectional and omni-perspectual realm. They carry the vibration of a long-forgotten dream, that of Home Remembered. Whenever you embrace these Imprintsial Patterns, a magnificent energy surges forth, transcending any situation it encounters. It empowers you by aligning your Centeredness, guiding you to the core of every matter. Embrace them, and through the gentle guidance they offer, you will find Clarity and discern the truth by simply taking the Time to ask for Guidance.