Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

(This is from SuSane’s Alchemical Mind Blog, )

”In the human sphere, Fire elicits 'burning passion' & aspiration for illumination. Enthusiasm is fire personified in the psychological realm. Enthusiasm is a force that irresistibly burns away the dross to leave the purified molten gold at the bottom of the crucible.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Coming into the Forward of this day, I begin to take in the whole foundation of what squares my thought, so I can understand the meaning of my desires. We are taught to so much to be at war with our own desires & this forces closure on us.

 Even as children we are told our desires are naughty or selfish, & our embodiment then becomes closed & checked at every turn. Desire is the key to our living of life as Beauty. When we begin to listen to our desires & seek where they come from, we will develop even more compassion in our lives.

The finger of the Divine is Desire & all that it creates in love. If we become afraid of our desires we become afraid of the Divine & its Immense love & desire. 

We must rock & cradle the Desire within us until the Resolve 'dances as a verb' & allows us to solve the problem of desire & what change it gives. Today I will honor that in me.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

#40 Flower Healing Light Imprintsial pattern Deck

Angelica, Valerian, Rosa Rugosa Alba

This trinity vibrational combination will help Body Zero move its bone, tissue, & organ consciousness into transcendent hyperspace speed without resistance. [Visit our site for more: ]

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