
Springness means the seeds are lining up to be included in the Garden.

Stop by our ‘Clarity Flipbooks 3’ tab and enjoy our latest issues of ‘The Alchemical Reed Magazine’. https://www.situlacodex.com/clarity-flipbook-3

Wishing a beautiful Spring to all of us. 🌸🌺🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
On This Date

On this date in history we were here, just like you, how wonderful to just Be.

Lots of work going on behind the scenes, in front of the scenes, and between the scenes. It takes focus, enthusiasm, and a determined Will to move forward.

We’re presently working on some new books and there are more projects in the wings.

Thank you for visiting. If you have a moment, take a tour through the website, lots to see and listen to. Enjoy! 🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
The Men of Neith Print

We thought we’d start landing some of our available prints here on the blog. This one we’ve posted on Instagram/FB/Twitter; ‘Men of Neith’ 24”x30” Canvas print $308. Metal print $254. These are top quality prints through FineArtAmerica, where they also offer a PayPal 4 mo. Plan. You can go to our Contact page and email us for info.

Clarity ArtistsComment
Are You In Your Own Driver's Seat?

What a Question, and what an Answer is coming. Here it comes. You ARE in your own driver’s seat when you take hold of the steering wheel. Are you headed in the direction you want to go. If you aren’t just say,”I want to go in the direction of Highest Potential, one filled with Love, Compassion, and Well-being.

There, that’ll sit you firmly in your own seat, and you will begin to see changes that nurture, and fulfill you, in ways you wished for.

Clarity ArtistsComment

Sometimes, in order to move forward, you must reclaim your lineage, and for us that means acknowledging an immense support from our Siriuran Feyline companions. These are the Cats of Midwifery tending this planet right now.

It is not important that you believe they exist, but is important that we do, all eleven of them. Here’s the link to the book about them: https://www.blurb.com/b/4760742-fey-fairie-fey

Clarity ArtistsComment
January Long Spoon now available

The Long Spoon for January is now available in our Membership area. Lots of material to read, look at, and listen to.

We enjoyed ourselves putting it together for you.

For those of you who would like to see what it’s about, there’s a sample page to enjoy. Hope you like it and would like to support us in our work by joining. Thanks.🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
So Glad

So happy to have these nice thick very soft socks to wear around the house during this winter. May your toes stay cozy as well. Happy holidays to all of you.❤️❤️🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
Had Hoped

Had hoped to add a PDF version to our weekly Alchemical Rede books, but looks like the ‘Flipbook’ version is the way to go, in fact the software we use actually takes the PDF and turns it into the Flipbook you get to see. Ah well, it all works out anyway.

Hope you are enjoying the Flipbooks, easy to read and LOTS of color images/collages that help expand the context.

Drop us a note about them if you’d like.🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
The December’Long Spoon’ Area

Thank you, those of you having already signed up for our Membership Area, and for those thinking about it, take a look at the OCT. Long Spoon tab, to get an idea of the kind of curated content we’re sharing. And know that Nov.’s was even more extensive, and, we’ll, DEC.’s is quite the gift.

Buying into the membership area, is quite honestly buying into yourself, giving yourself the time of deep exploration. And you support us by doing so. We are grateful for your consideration. Happy holidays to you! ~ Clarity.🙂

Clarity ArtistsComment
A Lot

There’s a lot that has been happening around our site. In addition to our new membership area, which we would encourage you to join, there will be more content coming.

The site is chocked full of insight about the sacred journey; books, audios, flipbooks, videos about the creative life. Living this way is a deep, breath and a way forward, but it takes time. Give yourself some time to look around the site and sink into an area to explore. Thank you for returning and for letting others know about our work.

Clarity ArtistsComment
It's Finally Here

We have created a new membership area,"‘The Long Spoon’, and for only $10/mo. you have curated content selected specifically for each month by us. We hope you will consider joining and by doing so, you will support our work and we can continue supporting other creative seekers on their journey forward. Here’s the link that can help all of us.


Remember the story of the Long Spoon, where in order to be fed they had to feed others, that’s what we’re doing here. Thank you for thinking about it, hopefully going ahead and joining and telling others about this site.

Clarity ArtistsComment

As we transform our day from yesterday into what becomes today, we change, small and large. Each day moves our perspective out of yesterday and into today, allowing us, and all around us, to transform. Look at things differently, change your perspective, a powerful breath of room.

Clarity ArtistsComment
Wants and Desires Infuse It

First off, I want to thank Raven Su.Sane, Clarity, for creating this wonderful collage. She is creating and putting into an album, collages for me to draw upon, for our Clarity Artists Blog. This really expands the information we can share with you as you travel your journey.

Resourcing from your everyday life is essential, to feed your creative flow. As you move forward, the everyday informs you of what is happening around you. Sharing your world with others is a journey through creativity. What a world it is that allows for your forward movement, this is such a day for that. Being aware of this creates your creativity. Enjoy your day, as the creative elements around you show you the way through.

Clarity ArtistsComment
Upside Down and Inside Out
Flower Imprint #44

Hope your day is going well, because at our end there is so much going on. We are gathering up more information and content to further build the site. If you get the chance look around, the content is to help support all of us on our own personal journeys as seekers.

You may want to have a look through the Mycelial Light Imprintsial Patterns, they are retinal imprintsial pattern to assist with assimilation of life’s bends and curves. This is a way to nurture and support your body, mind, and spirit through all the passage of a day, through a transition, and even a large break-through.

Clarity ArtistsComment
Did You Feel It?

Big energy shifts today, a lot of reclamation that allows us to move forward into new and exciting adventures. An adventure can be small, tiny even, or huge depending on perspective and desire. Hope you are able to advance in the direction of your dreams, big or small.

Clarity ArtistsComment
Adding To
Passion Flower

We are adding to our our website, as we mentioned earlier. Today you’ll notice several new tabs; ‘Garden Sanctuary’, ‘Poetry Talk’, and ‘Yoga, Kundalini, Meditation’. At the moment they are placeholder pages, but soon enough there will be lovely content that helps support you through beauty, creativity, and expression, your path of exploration. Thank you for being here.

Clarity ArtistsComment