Earth Seed of Fire: Potential

 "Start & emphasize creativity. The process is one of building the foundation around an original idea which, like the philosopher's stone, turns everything to gold. Make decisions based around your priorities while nurturing the Seed & erecting the infrastructure. Too much earth, & not enough fire, will smother the flame. Carefully evaluate what alchemical tools & resources you have, rather than what you haven't. Be creative, original, & innovative with what is right here now. It is not what you have, but how you use what you have.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up between all the layers of sleep & all their pantheon of turn-overs. Did extended yoga yesterday & disturbed every layer of comfort I have. Like a pebble in my shoe, I feel everything, much like the Princess in the Pea.

I know I may be an older princess, but I can still feel the pea 10 mattresses down. Lately I feel physically like a tetter totter. Creativity also heightens this feeling, & we have started a much deeper level of inquiry.

Creativity seems very extravagant in this world, & it is only a side dish to many. Who can afford to have it as the main course? Well, Robert & I do, & we often suffer because of it. Stiff muscles, strained muscles, clinching, fear of a new course necessary to feel the course of creative flow.

Overwhelm from believing your own answers & no explanation why. Potential is a very hot course of will & it has a cauldron that must be watched carefully. One must be inside & outside it at the same time.

Yes, the pea must be felt to maintain the potential of the Fairy tale. Deeply seated in the seed of the pea. I hold nasturtium seeds as I work & meditate. You know, she still blooms brightly in the Garden.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Fairie Imprint 4c

This is the System Key that evolves the Rotational Vortexical speed, for recalculatorial assimilation, of volume as unlimited in amount.

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