Air Seed of Air: Supernal Nurturer

"Air feed Fire, sparkles Water, nourishes Earth. Air is Jacob's 2-way ladder, from above to below & below to above. The present situation requires a 2-way stretch. Become like Janus who looks both back & forward simultaneously. The Future grows out of the present, which in turn is a product of the past. The atmosphere is pregnant with possibilities; if you are aware of tension in the air, the kind that precedes an electrical storm, do not make hasty ill considered decisions. Relaxed alertness, check which nostril is open, wait until the right nostril is clear, before finalizing.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

It did rain hard & storm some in the night & it is a bit crackly this morning. I guess it Is Halloween. Playing Halloween songs as we have our coffee. Turning your head in both directions at once is a bit ghoulish. The veil is thinned & we can do some things that we usually cannot.

Woke up wondering & asking how do I expand time, especially for creativity, & before we got up I pull an imprintsial pattern & it was on how to expand time. I am now starting to realize my questions & needs match up with these light patterns & this is becoming very magical for me.

I have always believed in the magical since I was a little girl. When a big storm came up & my mother was standing at the screen door, I ran up to hold onto her apron strings, because in this touch I could make her safe. How much of our own magic do we still feel we have?

Tiny hands, words, & wishes making Immense differences in this world. I wish to never forget or not believe in this little girl with the magic touch. Happy Samheim Halloween & may we never forget the magic that grows in the dark & it is not ghouls & goblins. Thinning veils, frogs & toads, magic wishes, apron strings, love grows where it is thought not possible. Magic never grows up, that's why it's so potent. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint 17

Quantralized pattern flow is momentualized, through this Imprintsial Pattern, so that actualization realization can be found present in the now, of the Is, of the Holographic Projectional sight seen beingness in dimension of three.

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