Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation
"The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. Soon the chick will break free & lay its own golden eggs, each a miniature Alembic. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Swaddling myself early; in meditation, lymphatic massage, vertigo points, acupressure points, ice to the back of my head, chakra meditation, all part of loving myself in gestation inside of the Alembic Egg. I potentize my awareness of the heart-mind-body flow. All sequences emerging & creative images sitting quietly within me. I employ gestation as a real place in time. Allowing a Squared Perspective to emerge. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Celtic Imprint 6
This Imprint activates the cellular memory matrix on all levels. This allows the Highest Potential for Self to vibrate into manifested Wholeness, which potentates the Dream, into Beingness.