Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
"The signal of this position is Start. We can conceive a physical child or an ideal. An idea is an ideal (perfect mental picture) & an idol is often a physical representation of a non-physical reality worthy of worship (worth ship) or attention. The artist & magician have the common problem of crystalizing, actualizing, & materializing their mental conceptions into the objective world of matter.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Up in the night to measure my day & see if it got tall enough. This is what runs through my creative mind & it disappoints me as I see the pattern, & I realize I want to build my life on a new foundation.
In the fire of my own passion there is a way to cool it so I can settle within. I let go, I breathe, I mark myself in a different way. I hold the nature of my future more sacredly & descend into a new matter, more inside of my original pattern, & less inside the demand that growing up in this world has been.
I settle into my bones & become lighter, more allowing of time lost, remembered, & more touching of my sweetest graces. Foundation born anew in this night's quiet.
~ Raven SuSane, Clarity
# 21 Omnidirectional Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck
This Imprint actualizes the belief of the Unlimited State of Beingness, in the Molecular Beingness of all form that has hyperspaced its Beingness into the Center of the Golden Dream, Centered in the Heart of Gold of God/Goddess.