Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal
"A germinal vision of the ideal will eventually lift you beyond any presently perceived circumstances of mediocrity. We can respond to conflict in one of two ways. We can react or create. The alchemist always 'C's' at the Start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
As this world turns & turns, I find that going deeper into our creative transformational work is what we both find as key, to shift clearly, easily, & actually change patterns of unclarity, with compassion & love.
This has been the main ingredient in each day for me. I start with the Alchemy of transformation, because change is what I must be willing to be. The quiet repose of this morning was so allowing & takes me deep into my dream travel still clinging to my feelings.
I come into the intentions of this day, & forgive myself for being so naked to the push that tries to initiate my thought. I return to my own surrender to love, happiness, & a guiding hand of compassion. The sweetness of this allowing is more informational.
I slide into my willing nature & give her room to feel the day, through a lens of alchemy, to understand the true workings of the nature of my life. "Because men do not perfectly believe or imagine, the result is that arts are uncertain when they might be wholly certain.", Paracelsus, 1493-1541.
The creative arts have many of the answers woven within them, because alchemy is within their transformative way. Creatives dive deep into what others just walk in the puddles, so as not to get wet. A day to get wholly wet.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Flower Imprint 6
Rosemary, Bluebell, Dandelion
This trinity system mobilizes the accentually volume coordinator, that creates the volume flow cubism, that tranquilizes the Body Zero response system, so that skin tone changes, can occur with minimal discomfortal responses.