Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

 "Air, the SEED, the deep wellspring (filled with the spirit) & the driving force of aspiration. Do not turn your foundation into cement prematurely, by becoming obsessed with the material elements at the expense of creativity & idealism. This is a good phase for starting & building the base for the future. Make certain you have included all elements.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early to prepare to kayak. This will help with the Aspiration needed for today. We will paint on water. I love using the water from the body of water I am painting on, integrated into the non-toxic water colors.

I love feeling all the life inside the water integrate into my brush. We paint on folding wood boards that support our paper & brushes. We tie up together, to make it stable & float. The float is such an alchemical of Water, Earth, & Air. 

The rhythm of the float rocks us like a cradle, & we are nurtured by this rhythm in our creativity. Earth is the land below the water that vessels it like a Situla, & the water cups up in it. The Air washes through it & makes it run forward, & reaching always for more.

We create small pieces on library cards & envelops that hold our water archives. The rhythm reflects the day & we aspire as the 'Master Mason' to shape the 'perfect cubic Ashlar', the Philosopher's Stone, which becomes the 'keystone' of all human endeavor. The shape of water, always painting our way forward.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Christ Light Imprint29.jpeg

Recognitional 29

Actions Of Center

Actions of center are the successive moments of stillness used to recognize highest potentiality of movement, from one’s own center, not others. These actions are what creates the success of change in one’s life.

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