Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve
"Fire Seed of Fire, is the most primeval Element of all. Fire is the manifest archetype of creation, power, & birth. Fire Seed of Fire is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Only by enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Allowing more space this morning for my kind, & formatting the distance between the things to allow more resolve. Resolve, allowing the numbers to occupy new spaces, & the definitions to corrugate enough to give room to new creative thought. I resolve myself to succeed in every way I dream. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Holographic Imprint 10
Thought before change, is the essence of what it is to be in the dimension of three. This imprint quantralizes into hyperspace, the discernment of thought, for exact desired change, beyond thoughts that cannot move change into alignment, with desired Holographic Projection of desired form, as seen in the dimension of five.