A Stitch in Time…….25 Years on the Coast!
I love adding new content to my archives…….and this is a new one…25 years of living on the Coast of Maine. It took us almost 15 years to get here…but we made it and have treasured every day. When you truly recognize that there is a very special place for you, and you find it, you’re blessed beyond measure. This is where we have as a community laid down our deepest roots and become woven into Its Mycelia network. So much so that it came up as an addition to my archive …a Quarter of a Century!
In the spectrum of Earth time, it means a lot, it means Deep Commitment and Purposeful Intentions. And that is what has been given to the World these many years. The focus of Clarity has been the sharing of what has been given with the community and the the World. All insights take time to assimilate and practiced, allowed Time to be Digested and made whole and liveable in this Dimension.
The Long Spoon magazine is one of the many formats they have created to get these digested insights shared to anyone open to receive. We work daily with the Situla Codex web sight because every new concept is included , and available to all for our own consumption. All our Spiritual needs are fed from those entries. Received and Given……a daily mantra……for over 35 years. Clarity’s gifts are also visual…take a look!