A Stitch in Time…The Buildup, The Meltdown
February Snow seems to follow a pattern that is also reflected in Human emotions and physical prowess. Most people embrace Snow more before and along with the December holidays, as if it is owned by Holiday Seasons. Then for some the Winter snowfall might feel like a burden. But here in Maine it is welcomed with open arms and anticipation of ski slopes and ice fishing, and outdoor festivals, and precious walks with family, breathing in cold refreshing air!
That same February feeling is just as alive in our emotions as a physical touch that warms us after a snow walk….emotions seem to be able to relax sooner with warmth and comfort, not in a hurry like the previous season. It’s not time to jump into Spring, for it has its own deliciousness that I recognized, timing that rejuvenates the muscles of new Inner growth as well green growth.
Here in our Clarity House, we are settled into deeper inner travel, new works that are always ready and available to you and the World, through situlacodex.com. Every Sunday we dive into new deeper spaces , adventuring into story in our Alchemical Rede Class. And then a new book is shared publicly for everyone who is on their journey. Yes, it takes a Deep Desire to want to become more, a journey I recognized I wanted to travel many years ago. My journey brought me to Clarity’s work, and I am eternally grateful for it.
It has built me up, covered my past, present, and future with brilliant Light, gentle as Snow, and helped me Thrive…no meltdowns. Always ready for the next Buildup of snow and Insights, no meltdowns because we are grateful for all that is Given and are open to Receive!