Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation

 "The signal of this position is Start. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb which all our creations & projects can be born, for Terra Firma provides a secure foundation which, if carefully tended, can support a crop of projects.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "We don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.", Basil S. Walsh.

This is an important alchemical position, & because the way the world moves we can often miss it. We are often told if it does not seem to work right away, we need to change it & re-do. We should gather more & new materials, thoughts, or manners. 

This way interferes with the deep & exact way of things. We seldom hear what we have is enough, & the time that waits is on the mark. I have followed this earlier in my life & have fallen over in exhaustion, not even knowing it was complete in itself.

What life seems to be for is not always what it appears to be. All the early in me got worn out, & now I sit with enough. All the praise we get is really unworthy of our original thought.

We sink into our own piece of Gaia we are, & listen to the Mother & our own beginnings. The singular volume of one life is given to the singular volume of place, & this allows us to see we are enough for all we need at the right time & place.

So the Start is to begin to use what we are & have. I start here, where I now stand.

~Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

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Recognitional 16

Fly Forward Toward The Light

Be like the birds of the air, who trust and ask for each day, the direction of what to say, do, create, and eat. It is in the eating that we assimilate life experiencing.

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