Earth Seed of Earth: Foundation
"Start is the signal for this position. New beginnings bring a fresh start. Mother Earth is the womb from which all our creations & projects can be born, for Terra Firma provides a secure foundation which, if carefully tended, can support a crop of projects. Intense visualizations should be followed by an abrupt dismissal, so they can fall into the fertile soil of the unconscious for incubation. Now is the Cycle to Start.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. " Resolute, imagination is the beginning of all Magical operations..", Paracelsus, 1493-1541.
Our life, a full cycle of change, inspiration, aspiration, & creativity, all processed though listening. To hear & to hear clearly is an intention of my life & Robert's.
I do feel as if we came from the same womb. We both were endangered in the womb & almost died. 4 years apart in the same hospital. How we found each other 35 years later is profoundly magical to me.
Last night we spent with our family the evening looking at the photography of our creative life & its instinctual decisions. I realize this was the intense visualization we needed to begin the starting seed.
"We don't need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.", Basil S. Walsh. This quote has turned me around so many times when I feel I need to turn outward. Turning inward is the waiting part of allowing all to come to you, because you know what seed you are part of.
The miracles are the moment I allow the seed of myself to draw its own nourishment to it. A corrugation of Distance to close up.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Body Zero 31
“Tribinary focus is the Imprintsial momentum of this Imprint and it focuses the tribanary axis into the exact angle for pentrational formulation of time spent into Trinary speed calculation.”