Water Seed of Air: Effervescence
" Water Seed of Air can be an effervescent combination. You must be fully aware of the potential in the moment & take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing, lively way. 'Hold the rudder steady' & pleasantly interact with others to ensure your goals are achieved.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Slept well, up early to be ready for our Grandson's art class. With him we are exploring animation video, & tabletop theater. This is this year's focus for us with him. With him we will watch films by George Melies, an early French film-maker, & also the movie 'Hugo', to establish effervescence & enthusiasm in creating diversity in theatrical imagination.
In the alchemical process we must remember to hold the rudder steady as we build a diverse foundation, before we actually start doing table top theater. This is the same process of letting it come to us.
Allowing life to come to you takes patience & listening, but it is what creates the miracles we need each day. When we allow it to come to us it can corrugate time & allow much more of what we need than we can imagine.
There is a limit to imagination, but there is no limit when we allow it to come to us. There is then a collaboration of our imagination, absolute possibility, & complete potential.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Pleiadian Creativity Outer 2
This symbol causes this movement to penetrate, the field of doubt. Apply it when understanding is misperceived.