Earth Seed of Air: Aspiration

 "Earth & Air are neither friends nor enemies; they tend to exist in mutual exclusion; it requires great patience & coaxing to bring Earth & Air into a state of cohabitation & cooperation. Earth Seed of Air often warns us that we are suffocating our creativity, or perhaps ignoring someone near us, whose creativity & insight could be very helpful in fulfilling our ambitions.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Beautiful crisp morning, small walk to our blessed covered temple space. Feet on Gaia, soft swing, in complete admiration of this day. Aspiration, like small ladders reaching up to the top of the Christmas Tree. Climbing up through the branches of pine, cedar, & spruce, all trees of aspiration. 

Bumping into small ornaments in my mind, allowing the ribbons to fall through the branches I reach. Earth & Air, always accompanying me in my elaborate memories of this time of year. Making little tea parties on different levels of the trees, I open myself to music, small gatherings, & electrical gestations. In this space of alchemy I remember why the Air of Solstice begins to start flowing through me, as my feet stand on Gaia. Pumpkin pie & other trains of fall exploration, squash & pine nuts, yeast rolls, & apple cider, all making the alchemy of Air & Earth begin to whisper & create a space of memory. 

Breathing deeply I go back in my room & settle into a soft space of music & rest. Alchemy, not always a place of intense bubble & trouble. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint 5

The momentual overwhelm responsorial pattern, that keeps the thought ideas concerning unlimitedness from materializing, is resolved through this imprint, and the state of the abundance, of senses in bliss, can be processed, without interferencial patterns of overwhelm.

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