Fire Seed of Water: Vaporization

 "Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, but both are necessary to drive a locomotive successfully. Water & Fire in the right proportions are needed for growth. Aqua Vita provides the moisture for the seed in the Earth's Womb, while Fire can bring a gentle heat, spurring the elements to harmoniously blend. The result is germination followed by sprouting, & shoots appearing above ground. You are the Fire in the Fire phase of development. Thoroughly mix Fiery Water with equal amounts of Watery Fire, such a conjunction bodes well for all undertakings.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Moving all I moved yesterday into more to create leverage. All is in motion as I move deeper into my own body movement & the things of below, brought up from the basement are dried & sorted & most taken to the dump.

All the stored clothes washed & dried & up on an upper level. Garden leaves moving while some stay in the garden & some go to be ready for the city pickup. Plants started to come in & those planted in our large garden troughs. So what is inside & outside must like Fire & Water mix & Watery Fire to create a momentum for the new Foundation. We are becoming what we seek to share.

While I was on the floor doing a deeper body work a puzzle fell forward & I played with it as I did the erasure stretch. Inside & Outside --creativity & work, stretching & playing all mix to vaporize what had overflowed & I now sit deeper to write & maybe draw a little. Closing the door open with our Soul Alchemy. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Pleiadian Creativity Inner 6

This creates the Holographic projection into dimensionalizational Thought.

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