Earth Seed of Ether: Renewal

"The seed of dissatisfaction & restlessness is growing steadily in a rich soil of inertia, complacency, & apathy--the Vesica Pisces-- gives birth to a positive response. A germinal vision of the ideal will eventually lift you beyond any presently perceived circumstances of mediocrity.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

 As the atmosphere of our Alchemical life shifts & changes we always come to a transformational equation of love. I am grateful today for this in my life & the galactic perspective shift.                                      ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Omnidirectional 9

Conceptual Reconstruction of Life Experiencing

Vibration of harmonic transferal, of information from past on into present, and the repatterining of this information, at it’s Highest Potential of Discernment……How to re-pattern information.

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