Fire Seed of Ether: Transmutation
"Fire Seed of Ether (Space): This portends a beneficial change in your current situation. Consider that prosperity follows upon geographical travel or 'flights of fancy'. Such a change, if handled correctly, will be fruitful in the realms of company or personal re-organization, spiritual growth, & creative inspiration.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
When all seems to have folded, transmuted, re-positioned, it becomes an origamic presence, and this is what I wait for. In this, everything knows how to fold, crease, & flatten to make room for everything else. This is how our whole world becomes changed, & now we enter a new pattern of many folds & creases to compass even more light. This morning I feel present to this, & grateful. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Fairie Imprint 6c
This Imprint is the System Key for balancing Inner Galaxy beyond movement, of planetary star system. The Holographic Projectional Aspectualizational Profile can be balanced, reprojected, and tonal value changed, once this is done Omnidirectionally.