Water Seed of Air: Effervescence

"Water Seed of Air can be an effervescence combination. You must take advantage of the 'sparkling' nature. Nothing is as infectious as enthusiasm, & now is the time to prove it. Take a lesson from the fact that so few people are willing to exert themselves in an outgoing lively way.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

There are so many precautions in this alchemical position. How much to give, how much to sparkle without shaking things up too much or it will flatten.

I remember though when building our books on the computer, one must flatten the image in order to embed it so you can make an image more permanent, so one can build more with it later. So I realize that there is only one story that all can build on. So we must pick our story well.

There is just one story, it is the positive one. Sometimes I forget & allow something negative to try to start building on the positive. I hold the positive in my pocket & I gently touch it, to remember it is the only real story.

In fact, it is the real story I must build upon. I certify myself as expert, qualified nurse, doctor, therapist, psychiatrist, mother, mystic, code maker, code breaker, artist, master gardener, real, potent, writer, herbalist, magical, centered, deep listener, & kind & gentle person.

Put your real story of time in your pocket & always touch it when another story, that is not yours, tries to embed into your reality. You are the enthusiastic doer & receiver of your own magical Story. We must  stay sovereign to our real story.

~ Raven SuSane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint5.jpg

#5 Holographic Healing Light Imprintsial Pattern Deck

The momentual overwhelm responsorial pattern, that keeps the thought ideas concerning unlimitedness from materializing, is resolved through this Imprint, & the state of abundance, of senses in bliss, cane processed without interferencial patterns of overwhelm.

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