Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with water. In such a position the tension it takes to hold together is balanced precariously with the tension, which blows things apart. Where differences are Recognized & the intuitive properties of the Water element are combined with the cognitive faculties of the Fire element, the result may be productive in the outer world.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Up early to get near water at the ocean & cool out my, oh so fiery self. Working on our book, 'Yoga, The Appetite of Movement'. I have so loved working with this in all its layers. The creative tension of excitement that runs through my frame sets me on the top of my work.

The spider webs in the fog of the boardwalk was so mapping for me. Spider webs caught beautifully, all along the fence along the harbor. Lush delicacy blowing in & out with the breeze. Like breath, like pattern breath. The fog being all that was behind them.

In the tension of their mapping, blowing out & back. It calmed me in my existence, & I know the patterns of life must be able to stretch & breathe.

The silence of fog penetrates & leads us on out into the unknown thoughts that are present to travel us out of fear, tension, or entanglement.

The garden now marks with each leaf & petal & breeze. Creative tension marked today with Sophiac Intelligencia.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Celtic Imprint10.jpg

Celtic Imprint 10

This Imprint brings the understanding through Knowing and Feeling. This creates Self aware of past selves, so that integration balances both polarity energies into wholeness. This over-rides misperception ideas of polarity.

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