Ether Seed of Fire: Incubation

 “Under the influence of Fire Seed of Ether it is best to partition the time for the great work in such a manner that you devote yourself to turning up the flame with optimism & brightness in the first half of the allotted time, Space; then for the second half turn off the heat, & attend to the cooling Alembic, watch carefully, the prognosis is excellent.”, Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Out early on the water with family. I have not been with so many different Beings of creativity in a while. Big turn & I am a bit overwhelmed in the mix.

Good time to sit back & allow it to come to me, but what a hard task indeed. When you go from 5 to 12 it has always been easy, but now after 2 years of folding in, it is harder, but once settled into lovely.

Inside the momentum are many changes in speed rate, & I must get used to this & become more aware of the rhythm I need in this. Writing is an important way I assimilate my own life & its different rhythms. So now I sit at my table on shore and enjoy watching everyone on the water.

The question is how do I apply now who I am in this different rhythm and relax and allow. I am starting to catch the new flow and I will enter differently with more ease. Hanging out with still a few loose ends.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Celtic Imprint20.jpg

Celtic Imprint 20

This Imprint is a vibratory responder that opens the Holograph to sound beyond sound, allowing energy patternizing of image from Highest Potential to occur.

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