Water Seed of Earth: Alliances
"It is 'on the cards' & 'in the cards' as an auspicious time favoring an unexpected relationship developing. Water nourishes Earth & Earth is Water's chalice. Water & Earth are lovers.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
Watching for what is ready to partner with you is key today. Allowing room inside time to begin. Working deeply with the roots with projectional energy & that seems to grow when we are overwhelmed.
I feel this overwhelm starts small, like a contraction in child-birth. We must pick up on it in it's original threads. The first contractions of overwhelm are noticed & we register why, so we can let go.
When we start planning, measuring, & trying we are already too far in & must back out, let go, & allow it to come to us. Everything that is too heavy is overwhelming, but when we allow it to give to us & come on its own we register help, so the overwhelm stops & the receivement begins.
I find that it is at this point we bypass projection. Like in child-birth I find that if I am not aware when the contraction starts in its almost unfeelable stages I will not be able to breathe through it. If I do, I can ride it & be effective in being effective with less pain.
To have alliances we must open ourselves in the very earliest part of its gestures of assistance.
~ Raven Su.Sane
Pleiadian Creativity Inner 5
This creates the potentized energy, to release its misperceptional field space, and time lock. Use this, to create holographic pain release—eighth dimension harmonic pattern.