Air Seed of Ether: Transformation

 "Any anxiety you may be experiencing is the result of an awareness of impending change, or resistance to this growing Seed of modification or reworking. It is important to discriminate between change as a verb or noun. Change as a noun means the result of making something different, while change as a verb carries the implication to make something different. Ultimately this change can be very beneficial, allowing you to tie up loose ends, bury the past, & enter a new Positive Phase.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I find I occupy this phase of alchemy quite often. Maybe because I am a Raven or that I have Transformation in my house of purpose. All our work is about transformation & transmutation.

We are Creative Visionary artists who work with transformative transmutative art. We are the Ida & Pingala rising all our work into the balancing of the Knowing & Feeling into Recognition, 3rd part of insight of wisdom that then, in itself, balances everything into love.

This is codial, & has taken us many years of working together, as the male & female rising our understanding into our 3rd part Recognition, as union with our Divine discriminator. 

We are gradually finding ways to share this with all who are ready, & in turn we can manifest a more balanced, wise, open, & loving world. This takes a great deal of courage, listening, commitment, & constant change.

This work gives the imprintsial tools to become  transformed, transcended, transmutative, & tranformational of all unbalanced life around us. These are a truly daily building blocks you imprint & utilize at will.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity


Pleiadian Creativity Inner 5

This creates the potentized energy, to release its misperceptional field space, and time lock. Use this, to create holographic pain release—eighth dimension harmonic pattern.

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