Fire Seed of Earth: Alchemy
"The Cubic Stone is being fired in the furnace of Desire. Too much heat & it cracks; too little & it is half-baked & will not survive the seasonal inclemencies. Every thing moves in phases, & the Chaos you may be experiencing is but an appearance over-laying order & rhythm. All human success results from the discernment of patterns in nature.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas. "The Alchemist's LabOratory is a temple of unceasing work (Karma Yoga) & prayer (Bhakti Yoga, i.e. love).", Dr. John Mumford.
Woke up from a very swaddled sleep. Intentioned to sleep with the Hive (Bee Hive), this creates such a richness for me. 5 rooms in our house are on the move. It is kind of like when Asland, the Lion, wakes up & is on the move.
Everything at first was talking about the change, & it was a bit overwhelming, but now all has settled & the energy lifts as much as finds its place, & I soon will be able to see over the stacks of books.
We make books, we read books, we look at books, these books are part of the Alchemy of our creative lives. Even books that sit on shelves for a long time change our lives, just by their presence & guardianship.
This is the intention when we create books with word & our art. They are not only to be read one page at a time, but they initiate our guardian space. Their presence in your home, with the guardianship in their words, placement, & images, lift the energy around you & your space.
Once a book closes, its alchemy continues & it sets into place the order needed, if asked for. Open Sesame. "Tis to create & in creating live a being more intense that we endow with form our fancy of gaining as we give.", Byron, Child Harold III;vi.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Pleiadian Creativity Inner 7
This creates the time and space magnificence, necessary for form to be seen, and heard. As light passes through vibrational vortex matrixes, it adjusts patterning essence, creating holographic form seen.