Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

"Water & Fire are natural enemies, opposing forces. Fire boils Water & Water attempts to drown Fire, a never-ending battle in which neither wins. It requires a very skillful alchemist to burn Fire under Water, & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water. Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Usually, when I get this I would prefer to go back to bed. It is a very feisty alchemical position, & I know I have to be a very tricky alchemist to outwit its pitfalls. So, since I am not always that I'll just have to surrender to it, & give up the fight, & bathe with Fire & dry with Water. So that is it for me today, as I surrender my feisty self & take on a little more Water. ~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Holographic Imprint 18

Momentual awareness, of sight seen potentiality of desired form, is brought into felt of known, so that the desired form of dream Holographic Projection, can be thought as real, and maintained, without pattern slip of desired Holographic Projection.

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