Ether Seed of Earth: Gestation

"The Egg is well fertilized & has survived a prior testing phase. The current stress is actually a foreshadowing of successful futures. You need more space; this is the season to get more elbow room. The womb has become crowded as full term approches. Despite any present problematic situation this is the natural cycle of rapid growth. She who can navigate through all storms can certainly hold the rudder steady in a squall.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I feel this position so around me & this world. I listen & wait for the ways, answers, & means to come to my life easily so I can do & create anything.

It is when I start trying to figure it out is when I become overwhelmed & for good reason. We are not taught this, in fact, we are taught to run ahead & have it before it arrives. This creates a big problem with the unlimited course of potentiality.

There is so much vast potential that we have not even, as of yet, begun to touch into, let alone imagine. We will fix something, we have set its boundaries like a fixative. There are times for the fixative & there are many others that keep imagining more, so that all levels are fulfilled, that we had not even guessed at.

I speak of this often, because it is part of my interpretive practice I am refining & changing. What was habit is now being made conscious, so new & more diverse volumes can begin. Stop. Wait. Listen.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

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Celtic Imprint 14

This Imprint works with matrix clarity. The clarity held within Avalon was to safeguard the seed essence energy that guided and helped shape events towards Highest Potential.

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