Fire Seed of Air: Perseverance

"A period of introversion & sluggishness is coming to an end. Patience will result in a beneficial settlement. Stickability can be more important than ability. Fire & Air are natural friends & mutually interdependent. Air vitalizes & vivifies Fire encouraging Fire to burn even brighter & the children, the flames, to leap higher. The Yoga of couples is the most difficult of all. This time is not good for rash decisions or impulsive actions. Weather the storm without changing direction or 'abandoning ship'.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Robert & I found Yoga & meditation very vivifying & the collateral needed for today, more assimilated because of it. Doing more helpful moves for the strength of my back & it is helping.

A Leo must protect & honor the back, because that is where the world tries to unseat her or him. This is a powerful time for Leos & they must stay radiating and conscious of the light they need to project for support of all they love.

I was so relieved last night when I realized that the work we do does not need confidence or great self esteem, because the work we do has its own agenda, & we just follow it & stay open to receive & listen.

We have nothing to prove, it just is. In this knowing we persevere. This work & patterns are not about me but about the whole world, the planet, the galaxy, & the universe. To feel one needs confidence, complete belief, or full self esteem would certainly break the back of receiving.

I let go, accept, trust, love, & give myself compassion for the simplicity of who I am. To be Divine has nothing to do with knowing who you are, it is all about allowing what is.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Manifestation 2

This Imprint works the alignment of dream center actualization, into third dimensional recognition, forwarded through the knowing, and feeling of support seen, in third dimensional recognition.

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