Water Seed of Fire: Creative Tension

 "Success is assured when you bathe with Fire & dry with Water. It does require a very skillful alchemist to burn Fire under Water, & indeed to float Fire upon a bed of Water.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

Inside a morning that squares our perspective is where we need to be, to make this easier. The time it takes to listen is much shorter than one thinks. In so many ways we push on thinking the push knows more than we do.

This morning I feel I have no time for anything, but there is nothing more important than taking time to take care of myself. I realize I must, as always, wait for it to come to me. If I don't push it always will. 

After so many years of throwing myself out to go to school, take care of the children, & work, I am in new territory as I grow more intuitive each day. What we accomplish is so much part of our self esteem. This is not easy to undo.

Loving my body, take care of my body, listen to my feelings & subtle nuances is a new language that I stopped my old life to learn. After 30 years I am still learning in deeper layers that have become automatic & even robotic.

A new language that finds the castle, roots out the briars, & coaxes me awake to a real life.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

Flower Imprints3.jpg

Flower Imprint 3

Oak, Sesame Seed, Phlox

This trinity works in support of the calculatorial process, of formulizational transcendence of Body Zero tissue level concordance, with the sound patternizations of the harmonical flow, of pattern envelopment into sound felt, and sonar scan achieved, through the harmonization of thought pattern limitations, changed into the omnidirectional sensation of bliss felt.

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