Fire Seed of Water; Vaporization

 "Water & Fire are mutually antagonistic, but both are necessary to drive a locomotive successfully. Water & Fire, in the right proportions, are needed for growth. Aqua Vita provides the moisture for the Seed in the Earth's womb, while Fire can bring a gentle heat, spurring the elements to harmoniously blend. The result is germination followed by a sprouting above ground. You are the alchemical Fire in the Fire phase of development.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I re-routed my morning just to change & support this angle. I went out the back porch door just for a peep, & ended up doing my Chi Gong, meditation, & Lemniscate 20 minute Walk, & my day is more aligned within me.

Now writing from the breath of this. I just moved this without any deciding factor, & I felt so counciled by that 'Force' of need within me. There is such a flow within us that it can carry us through most days, if we only allow.

Our bodies know our organ alchemy, & which ones need new angles & more flow. Time then becomes subservient to our Soul level of appliance. The more Voice we allow our Soul, the more our bodies speak & nourish.

I do not think I felt this so deep before, as I have this morning. Something has shifted, & I am grateful for its inner power. On the 20 minute Lemniscate walk of the figure 8, Infinity, I intended to ask for more understanding & ease of this time, & I so feel this morning is an answer.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity

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Recognitional 2

Sound Beyond Sound From Center

Hear the word of truth beyond the sounds of misperception, and feel the clarity of center.

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