Ether Seed of Air: Logos, The Word
"A successful change of heart, circumstances, place, or perspective is dependent upon paying attention to details & planning carefully. It is necessary to sense your heart, listen to your feelings & speak from deep inside. When the head occludes the heart intuition (inner tutor) is smothered.", Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.
I woke up with the question of what is really new? And what is really old, & what is really new in what is really old? As we bring on what we think is really new, we must look to see if it is really ancient.
We can't make something from nothing & what does nothing hold that already was? We last night watched a small budget Aussie film by Mark Webber, "A Place of No Words". At first I did not understand what it had meant to me, but it came powerfully in my dreams.
One point in the film it pointed out how all the wilder language of animals & flowers of the woods was disappearing from our children's words. Language like moss, tansy, pussy willow, queen anne's lace, chicory, flax, tiger lilly, forget-me-not, larkspur, clover, daffodil, morning glory, phlox, poppy, rosemary, bluebell, dandelion, nasturtium, Lady's Mantle, Primrose, foxglove, Iris, hollyhock, violets, cornflower, peony, snowdrop, impatience, & snapdragon. These are words that they are not taught in school.
In this I woke up & realized the way words flower & banks were being lost to a much bigger part of the future than we realize. We have done a flower, animal, & tree Dreamtime Oracle to allow us & children to hear the heart & words of this world, but now we must create a Dreamtime 2 that includes the wilder voices of these.
The Word, the carrier of the generations of Life through time.
~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity
Fairie Imprint 1c
This Imprint works in support of Key System Recall, for Evolutionary Processing of Sight Revolutionary Movement around voleculatorial sound penetration. This enables one to see Sound, before Sound occurs, in the third dimensional perceptional awareness. Voleculatorial sound penetration, is sound quantralized, and this sound is not Heard in this dimension, but Felt.