Fire Seed of Fire: Resolve

"Fire Seed of Fire is the alchemist's supreme tool & conundrum. Your problem is keeping the flame at just the right intensity, neither so low that the embers die, nor so high that the 'glass egg' or alembic (retort) bursts, ruining the experiment. Enthusiasm is Fire personified, the psychological realm. Enthusiasm is a force that irresistibly burns away the dross, to leave the purified molten gold at the bottom of the crucible. Only with enthusiasm & resolve can a solution be reached. Resolve, dancing as a verb, allows you to solve the problem."., Dr. John Mumford, Magical Tattwas.

I seem to have been deeply inside the alchemical position of The Word, Ether Seed of Air for 2 days. Saw 2 films on Albert Einstein yesterday & he did not believe the ether of alchemy. Maybe that is what is wrong with our current equations.

Large energy equations shift in change, & I personally like ether in the mix. Einstein, such a powerfully beautiful & intense man, was so full of fire, I doubt he could even see the Ether he was. It is hard to see the very element you are.

I am so aware of Ether, because of the Raven that I am. I had so much Kundalini fire moving through me, that I have had to lay down & allow it to move through me. It is like if you can't beat it join it. This is life, so many things in life, if you cannot beat them join them.

Spiritual & Physical change is like that. Today I will take a small walk & do small things, that will assist in large change. 'It is the small that large stands on.' Clarity.

I will be the small that large can build on.

~ Raven Su.Sane, Clarity


Manifestation 8

This Imprint activates the processing of calculation, of dream recognition in energy support form, for exchange of energy.

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